kalau bukanya bahasa Inggris
- kalau: if; as long as; suppose that; for example; only
- kalau: if; as long as; suppose that; for example; only if; when; in case; maybe; could be; and then; perhaps; as for; possibly
- kalau kalau: can be; perhaps; maybe; possibly
- kalau-kalau: for fear that; lest; possible; potential
- bagaimana kalau: how about; suppose; what if?
- kalau begitu: in that case; then; at this/that rate; in that event; and so; so
- kalau diminta: on request
- kalau diperlukan: if need be
- kalau kosong: if empty
- kalau perlu: if necessary; in case of necessity; if need be; necessary
- kalau saja: if only
- kalau terjadi: in case of
- kalau tidak: else; except that; or; otherwise; or else; unless; if not; or even; instead
- kecuali kalau: unless
- kalau ada waktu: at one's convenience